Madurankuli, Puttalam Colombo Road, Sri Lanka +94 (32) 2 268401/2

Mercy Education Institute is a bilingual school which provides basic education for children between 5 and 17 years of age and conducts vocational training courses for youths with the intention of providing skilled personalities to serve the nation. The basic education starts from pre-grade and the structure consists of three levels namely primary, junior secondary and senior secondary. The primary level includes Grades 1 to 5 while the junior secondary level includes Grades from 6 to 9. The senior secondary level consists of two key stages where Grades 10 and 11 are considered Key Stage 1 and Grades 12 and 13 are considered Key Stage 2 which includes Science, Technology and Arts streams. Though it is a bilingual school it provides education in Tamil medium only in the Key Stage 2 of the senior secondary level.

The institute follow the national curriculum blended with value education which is given an utmost important in order to produce good citizens to live in harmony respecting the human values as well as the other faiths.
In primary and junior secondary levels all the subjects in the national curriculum are taught while in the Key Stage 1 of the senior secondary level Sinhala, Geography, English Literature, Tamil Literature, Arabic Literature, Information Communication Technology and Health & Physical Education are taught as bucket subjects along with the six core subjects Islam, Tamil Language, English Language, Science, Mathematics and History. In Key Stage 2 of the senior secondary level Information Communication Technology is taught as a subject for all who follow the technology and arts streams while the other subjects are taught according to the subject combinations relevant to the respective streams. Very special feature of this institute is that all students in secondary grades (From 6 – 13) are residing in the hostels managed by the Department of Student Affairs.

In addition to the core curriculum, students are provided with opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities according to their interests and talents. The different talents of students are identified and arrangements are made for them to develop their talents. A separate unit is functioning to guide and provide training for the students to develop their skills and arrangements are made for them to participate in open competitions. The students can enroll them in different clubs such as sports, science & technology etc.

Teaching – Learning Process:
The teachers prepare the annual scheme of work according to the school calendar prepared by the institute. All teachers are required to submit their lesson plans to the respective Sectional Heads / Principals for their approval. The Principal or Sectional Heads provide necessary inputs to improve lesson plans before they approve. The teaching is also evaluated by the respective Sectional Heads and Principals periodically and necessary suggestions are given to improve the teaching quality. An external team from the Department of Quality Assurance also evaluate the teaching quarterly and necessary guidance are given. The marking of exercise books and home work are also scrutinized by the external evaluators and they make recommendations to the HR Departmentthe the fields of training the teachers need to improve the quality.

Students are assessed continuously and necessary remedial measures are taken instantly. In addition to the continuous assessment, semester exams are conducted twice a year. The tools (question papers) necessary to measure the knowledge and skills of students, is prepared by the teachers, are moderated by a panel of examiners before they are finalized and printed. The examinations are conducted under the supervision of teachers and answer scripts are marked by respective subject teachers. Item analysis is done after marking the answer papers to identify strengths and weaknesses in the teaching-learning process and remedial actions are taken in order to maintain the quality in education.